

  陈国梁,男,中共党员,1989年10月生,博士,副院长、全讯新2网官网光岳学者特聘教授,硕士生导师,山东省泰山学者青年专家,山东省高等学校“青创团队计划”团队带头人,主持国家自然科学基金3项、横向课题项目1项。曾在香港大学、中科院系统所访问学习,主要研究方向非均匀采样控制系统、网络化系统安全控制与智能控制等。兼任中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员、美国数学评论评论员。与国家杰青、中国工程院院士科学出版社合作出版《非均匀采样系统分析与控制》专著1部(系统与控制丛书),在IEEE TAC、Systems & Control Letters等国内外权威学术期刊发表SCI收录论文60余篇,荣获山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖1项,全讯新2网官网科学技术奖自然科学一等奖2项。指导的研究生考取多所名校博士,研究生成果发表在IEEE汇刊等顶级期刊,获山东省研究生创新成果等荣誉。


  [1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 基于离散时间积分二次约束方法的非均匀采样系统鲁棒控制研究 (62373177)主持 2024.01-2027.12

  [2] 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金项目: 非均匀异步采样网络化控制系统鲁棒控制研究 (12226311)主持 2023.01-2023.12

  [3] 国家自然科学基金青年项目: 变周期采样随机Markov跳变时滞系统稳定性分析与控制(62003154) 主持 2021.01-2023.12   

  [4] 山东省泰山学者青年专家(省级重点人才工程,tsqn202211174),2022.07.01-2025.06.30

  [5] 山东省高校青年创新团队发展计划项目——控制优化与智能决策创新团队,带头人,2023.01-2025.12

  [6] 山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖一等奖:几类非线性随机系统的耗散性与有限时间控制研究,第二位,2020.

  [7] 全讯新2网官网科学技术奖自然科学一等奖: 随机系统非均匀采样控制研究,第一位,2023.

  [8] 全讯新2网官网科学技术奖自然科学一等奖: 几类非线性随机系统的模糊控制方法研究,第二位,2020.


  [B1] 孙健,陈国梁,陈杰,孟苏,非均匀采样系统分析与控制,北京:科学出版社,2022.5 (系统与控制丛书).

  [J1] Guoliang Chen, Chenchen Fan, Jian Sun*, Jianwei Xia, Mean square exponential stability analysis for Itô stochastic systems with aperiodic sampling and multiple time-delays, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 67(5):2473-2480,2022.

  [J2] Guoliang Chen, Chenchen Fan, James Lam, Jian Sun*, Jianwei Xia, Aperiodic sampled-data controller design for switched Itô stochastic Markovian jump systems, Systems & Control Letters , 157:105301,2021.

  [J3] Guoliang Chen*, Guixiang Du, Xiangpeng Xie, Jianwei Xia and Ju H. Park*, Controller Synthesis of Aperiodic Sampled-data Networked Control System with Application to Interleaved Flyback Module Integrated Converter,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 70(11):4570-4580, 2023.

  [J4]Guoliang Chen*, Guixiang Du, Xiangpeng Xie, Jianwei Xia, Zhichuang Wang, Aperiodic Sampled-data H∞ Control of Vehicle Active Suspension Systems: An Uncertain Discrete-Time Model Approach, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2024.3353856.

  [J5] Guoliang Chen, Menkai Zhu, Xiangpeng Xie *, Jian Wu, Jianwei Xia, Design of Improved Static Output Feedback Aperiodic Sampled-data Controller for Networked Control Active Suspension Systems, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,  DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3367462.

  [J6] Guoliang Chen, Jianwei Xia*, Ju H. Park*, Hao Shen, Guangming Zhuang, Sampled-data synchronization of stochastic Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delay, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems , 33(8):3829-3841,2022.

  [J7] Guoliang Chen, Jian Sun*, Jianwei Xia, Estimation of domain of attraction for aperiodic sampled-data switched delayed neural networks subject to actuator saturation, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems , 31(5):1489-1503, 2020.

  [J8] Guoliang Chen, Jianwei Xia*, Ju H. Park, Hao Shen, Guangming Zhuang, Robust Sampled-data Control for Switched Complex Dynamical Networks with Actuators Saturation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernectics , 52(10):10909-10923,2022.

  [J9] Guoliang Chen, Jian Sun*, Jie Chen, Passivity-based robust sampled-data control for Markovian jump systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems , 50(7):934-946, 2020.

  [J10] Guoliang Chen, Jianwei Xia*, Ju H. Park, Hao Shen, Guangming Zhuang, Asynchronous sampled-data controller design for switched Markov jump systems and its applications, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems , 53(2):2671-2684, 2023.

  [J11] Guoliang Chen, Jian Sun*, Jie Chen, Mean square exponential stabilization of sampled-data Markovian jump systems. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28:5876-5894, 2018.

  [J12] Guoliang Chen, Jian Sun*, Jianwei Xia, Robust sampled-data control for Ito stochastic Markovian jump systems with state delay. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28:4345-4366, 2018.

  [J13] Zhichuang Wang, Guoliang Chen*, Zepeng Ning, Jianwei Xia, Input-to-State Stability of Switched Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems with synchronous Switching: Event-Triggered Switching Control, IEEE Control Systems Letters. 7:703-708, 2023.

  [J14] Guixiang Du, Te Yang, Guoliang Chen*, Xiangpeng Xie, Jianwei Xia,Multi-rate Sampled-data Controller Design for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems, IEEE Control Systems Letters,7:3349-3354, 2023.

  [J15] Jian Sun*, Guoliang Chen, Jie Chen, Stability analysis of aperiodic sampled-data systems: a switched polytopic system method, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II, Express. Briefs,67(6):1054-1058, 2020.

  [J16] Jianwei Xia*, Guoliang Chen, Ju H. Park, Hao Shen, Guangming Zhuang, Dissipativity-based sampled-data control for fuzzy switched Markovian jump systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29(6):1325-1339, 2021.

  [J17] Zhichuang Wang, Guoliang Chen*, Jianwei Xia, Finite-Time Input/Output-to-State Stability of Impulsive Switched Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II, Express. Briefs,69(8):3585-3589, 2022.

  [J18] Zhichuang Wang, Guoliang Chen*, Zepeng Ning, Jianwei Xia, Stability Analysis of Impulsive Switched Nonlinear Systems with Double State-Dependent Delays, IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II, Express. Briefs, 69(12):5014-5018, 2022.

  [J19] Wenqing Zhao, Guoliang Chen*, Xiangpeng Xie, Jianwei Xia and Ju H. Park*, Sampled-data Exponential Consensus of Multi-agent Systems With Lipschitz Nonlinearities, Neural Networks,167:763–774, 2023.

  [J20] Keqing Bu, Te Yang, Guoliang Chen*, Xiangpeng Xie, Jianwei Xia, Stability and Reachability Analysis for Aperiodic Sampled-Data Systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 13:87-104,2023.


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